Sea Witch Wisdom
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 The  Magic  Awaits... 

  Hand Crafted Witchy Divination & Magical Tools  

 © SeaWitchWisdom 

Smudging & Aromatherapy

These magical Smokeless Smudge Sprays can be used anywhere and are a fantastic alternative to traditional smoke smudging. Perfect to assist in clearing unwanted or negative energy that can be disruptive to our wellbeing and cleanse our space to help re-balance our living space and aura. Smudging Spray mists allows us to effectively cleanse and clear our sacred space effectively without the smoke and pungent smell of traditional burning methods, making these a fantastic alternative to traditional smoke smudging, perfect when performing medium and paranormal rituals too!

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Witches & Warlocks Protection Bracelets

Each beautiful bespoke Witches & Warlocks Triple Protection Bracelet is created with intention and care using genuine natural quality power protection gemstone beads and come in 4 different colours to suit your personal style! You can even choose to have your hand made bracelet ACTIVATED by Sarena herself, where the gemstones used to custom make your bespoke Witches & Warlocks Protection Bracelet, are charged & activated under a Spell Casting Blessing Ritual as your bespoke bracelet is being made and charged with positive intent and protection energies, clearing negative energy and shielding you and your aura - Magic at Sarena's fingertips!

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Witches Balls

These beautiful Witches Balls in a befitting Orb Shape are the perfect addition to your collection of spells, charms and magic talismans. Handcrafted with intricate attention to detail, each Witches Ball invokes home protection, ward off evil spirits and home blessings in addition to the properties corresponding with each style of ball you choose, such as anxiety relief, stress reduction, health and wellbeing, ebb and flow of life, love and happiness, harmony, and much more, making it a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one.

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Hand Poured Gemstone Core Candles

If you are looking for a perfect addition to your home, Altar or sacred space for representing the fire Elemental, a Deity or Sabbat Celebrations, then these make a beautiful gift for yourself, a friend or a loved one, perhaps even a spooky present for those celebrating birthdays, festivities and special occasions. There are lots of Hand poured candles to choose from including spooky Ghosts, Witches and Pumpkins, all with very special hidden gemstone cores where the gemstones reveal themselves as the wax melts, letting the candle magic sparkle as the flames burn.

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  The Witching Hour  
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Spell Kits - EASY LEVEL, Health & Healing Magic!
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HEALTH & HEALING Real Spell Kit Ritual ☆ Difficulty Level ~ EASY ☆ - Magic Witchcraft Wicca Pagan Gift. Condition is "New".


A powerful ritual magic spell to bring good health and healing into your life. Whether to prepare and guide you through a health related time or situation, ask for healing love or even to kick start a healthy lifestyle.


This is a REAL ACTIVATED quality ritual spell casting kit and has everything you need to cast a powerful spell, Written, blessed and prepared by Sarena (Founding member of SeaWitchWisdom) at her home Altar.

The beautifully wax sealed spell is charged with positive intent to enhance the experience and outcome of your spell casting ritual and the powerful intentions you are manifesting.



The set includes:

☆ Wax Sealed Spell Casting Instructions - EASY

☆ Specially Chosen  Elemental Spice Jar

☆ Intention Set Infused Tea Light Candle

☆ Beautiful Feather Cluster

☆ Hand Made Intention Sigil

☆ Specially Chosen Gemstone/Tumblestone (size appropriately 10mm - 30mm)




☆ The WAX SEAL used to seal the Spells is made of Natural Bees Wax (pigment colours added for the different spells) and are cleansed and blessed with a chant as they are sealed. The Bees wax naturally flows through the spell paper becoming one with the spell, and how it looks and seals will vary from each spell sealed as they are done individually.


☆ The ELEMENTAL SPICE JAR is made with Elemental ingredients specially chosen according to their magical correspondences to enhance the potency of the spell and to act as an offering to the deity chosen to help with your spell casting ritual.


☆ The INFUSED CANDLE is made by Sarena under a dedicated intention spell using specially chosen herbs, spices and essential oils to spiritually allign your body, mind and spirit with the deity called upon in this spell casting vigil and to encourage meditation and visualisation of your manifestations.


☆ The beautiful FEATHER has been chosen in a colour which connects its properties visually to the spell being cast and to assist in its elemental nature by raising the vibrations of your manifestations in order to carry them to the higher spirits.


☆ The SIGIL has been hand made by Sarena especially intended for this spell casting ritual, to enhance the potency of the spell and bring continuation after the spell has been cast, to carry with you or keep in a special place nearby so that the charged energies in the Sigil can be drawn upon.


☆ The GEMSTONE/TUMBLESTONE has been specially chosen to enhance the potency of the spell by drawing upon its corresponding metaphysical properties and bring continuation after the spell has been cast, to carry with you or keep in a special place nearby so that the charged energies in the Gemstone can be drawn upon and act as a visual reminder of the intentions set in this spell casting ritual.

Once you have cast your spell, remember that different spells have different time frames. Some spells will take a lunar month (28 days) to take effect. After this time, you might want to re-cast the spell to reinforce and strengthen your manifestation (you will just need to use a white candle to replace the intention set candle as white candles are very special in that they can replace any colour candle in spell casting). Others can take a whole season or even a year. Have a realistic timeline and keep working toward your goals with faith, confidence and perseverance. Keep in mind that the harder your goal is to achieve, the longer it will generally take.


Ideally, once the Magic work is done, you should continue with your daily routines so that you don't manifest any anxiety when waiting for the spell to take effect, try to be open and present in your life. The universe won’t drop the result at your door (although it sometimes does), but know the result is coming and stay open to whatever situation or opportunity that presents itself. Have a realistic timeline and keep working toward your goals with faith, confidence and perseverance. Keep in mind that the harder your goal is to achieve, the longer it will generally take, but look out for signs that your spell is working, some examples being:


1. Changes in your Mood
2. Signs and Omens from Nature
3. Messages in your Dreams
4. Coincidences
5. Real-Life Interactions




The spells that Sarena offers range from Easy all the way to Experienced Level, but dont worry; choose the right spell for your needs and it will be intended to be so.

You don’t need to have experience because the root of well cast spells starts with intent and belief and whether your a beginner or well versed in all aspects of spell casting and witchcraft, I believe that everyone has the magical abilities to project their intentions and  positive energies which are the best foundations for casting any spell. Full instructions on how to cast the spell are included in the Wax Sealed Spell Paper.




Please note Chalice is NOT included, you can use any goblet/cup that you are drawn to and pop some water in to represent the Water Elemental.


Please note that Gemstone/Tumblestone shapes, original colours and sizes will vary in each spell casting kit due to each stone being natural and no stone being the same. Feather shapes and sizes will also vary but approximately the size shown in the images.






☆ Health & Wellness
☆ Aura Cleanse & Renew
☆ Soulmate (Twin-Flame)
☆ Spirit Guides & Guardian Angels
☆ Call Back Your Power - Divine Energy
☆ Loss Of A Loved One - Bereavement
☆ Pet Loss - Rainbow Bridge
☆ Love & Romance
☆ Friendship
☆ Gossip Removal
☆ Self Love & Acceptance
☆ Body Confidence & Self Love (Woman) - With SLENDER FEMALE Body Candle (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Body Confidence & Self Love (Woman) - With CURVY FEMALE Body Candle (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Body Confidence & Self Love (Man) - With MALE Body Candle (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Eternal Beauty
☆ Passionate Love
☆ Sex Life Passion
☆ Blood Binding - With 2 BODY CANDLES (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Weight
☆ Confidence/Self Confidence
☆ Success
☆ Career & Job Success
☆ Lift Mood & Sadness
☆ Exam Success
☆ Driving Test Success
☆ Kick The Habit
☆ Justice
☆ Wealth & Prosperity
☆ Luck & Fortune
☆ Fertility & Conception
☆ Fertility & Conception - With Anointing Body Candle (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Twins Fertility & Conception
☆ Twins Fertility & Conception - With Anointing Body Candle  (Intermediate Level Spell Kit)
☆ Restore A Relationship
☆ Marriage Protection
☆ Communication
☆ Protection
☆ Home Blessing
☆ Spiritual & Divine Connection
☆ Stress
☆ Anxiety
☆ New Beginnings
☆ New Home
☆ Grounding
☆ Remove Negativity
☆ Anger Management
☆ Lift A Curse Or Hex
☆ Revenge & Retribution




☆ Samhain
☆ Yule
☆ Imbolic
☆ Ostara
☆ Beltane
☆ Litha
☆ Lammas
☆ Mabon




☆ Camomile Magic - Tea Spell
☆ Good Morning World - Tea Spell

(please see tea infuser listings for kits which include these Spells)


Please note: These Spell casting kits are for spiritual support and are NOT intended to replace prescriptions or medical, legal, psychological or other advice.





  • powerful spells
  • spells for beginners
  • casting spells
  • how to cast a spell
  • ritual spell kits
  • spells for witches
  • magic spells
  • cast on your own
  • alternative remedy
  • holistic healing
  • a healthy lifestyle
  • medical condition
  • bring good health
  • what can heal me
  • skin condition help
  • relieve pain
  • anti ageing skincare
  • balance hormones
  • Prevention control




I am extremely proud to bring you the very best in metaphysical and witchcraft items, so please be sure to add me to your favourite sellers. Please visit our shop for more spiritual, pagan and witchy stuff. You can visit me at


All images are Copyright © SeaWitchWisdom


Photography by Paul Saripo


Reproduction and distribution of any images without permission is prohibited

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 The  Magic  Awaits... 

  Hand Crafted Witchy Divination & Magical Tools  

 © SeaWitchWisdom 

Our Vision

Sea Witch Wisdom has a vision to bring beautiful ideas to light & reach a million people, sharing beautiful creations and REAL magic energy worldwide.


Sea Witch Wisdom is a family run business based in the East Yorkshire of the UK. This is the hub and where the hive of activity gives birth to new and beautiful creations to share and bring creativity and magic to life! Every product is lovingly and mindfully created, using materials from Mother Earth herself bestowing powerful energies on every item by charging and blessing through spellcasting, chants, rituals, moon phases and smudgeing techniques.


Sarena's Story

As a child, my spiritual connection was very strong indeed, somewhat daunting as a child, but as I grew into adulthood, fear of the unknown diminished as the realisation that a special and magical gift was bestowed upon me came to the forefront, I was indeed a chosen one to connect with the divine. Upon embracing these spiritual and divine connections, I decided to embrace this amazing gift and allow myself to be open to receive these spiritual connections and energies. I am now ready to share this and give my energies and light to my spiritual workings and the items I work on and with, here lies the dawn of SeaWitchWisdom.