These magical Smokeless Smudge Sprays can be used anywhere and are a fantastic alternative to traditional smoke smudging. Perfect to assist in clearing unwanted or negative energy that can be disruptive to our wellbeing and cleanse our space to help re-balance our living space and aura. Smudging Spray mists allows us to effectively cleanse and clear our sacred space effectively without the smoke and pungent smell of traditional burning methods, making these a fantastic alternative to traditional smoke smudging, perfect when performing medium and paranormal rituals too!
Each beautiful bespoke Witches & Warlocks Triple Protection Bracelet is created with intention and care using genuine natural quality power protection gemstone beads and come in 4 different colours to suit your personal style! You can even choose to have your hand made bracelet ACTIVATED by Sarena herself, where the gemstones used to custom make your bespoke Witches & Warlocks Protection Bracelet, are charged & activated under a Spell Casting Blessing Ritual as your bespoke bracelet is being made and charged with positive intent and protection energies, clearing negative energy and shielding you and your aura - Magic at Sarena's fingertips!
These beautiful Witches Balls in a befitting Orb Shape are the perfect addition to your collection of spells, charms and magic talismans. Handcrafted with intricate attention to detail, each Witches Ball invokes home protection, ward off evil spirits and home blessings in addition to the properties corresponding with each style of ball you choose, such as anxiety relief, stress reduction, health and wellbeing, ebb and flow of life, love and happiness, harmony, and much more, making it a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one.
If you are looking for a perfect addition to your home, Altar or sacred space for representing the fire Elemental, a Deity or Sabbat Celebrations, then these make a beautiful gift for yourself, a friend or a loved one, perhaps even a spooky present for those celebrating birthdays, festivities and special occasions. There are lots of Hand poured candles to choose from including spooky Ghosts, Witches and Pumpkins, all with very special hidden gemstone cores where the gemstones reveal themselves as the wax melts, letting the candle magic sparkle as the flames burn.
Sea Witch Wisdom has a vision to bring beautiful ideas to light & reach a million people, sharing beautiful creations and REAL magic energy worldwide.
Sea Witch Wisdom is a family run business based in the East Yorkshire of the UK. This is the hub and where the hive of activity gives birth to new and beautiful creations to share and bring creativity and magic to life! Every product is lovingly and mindfully created, using materials from Mother Earth herself bestowing powerful energies on every item by charging and blessing through spellcasting, chants, rituals, moon phases and smudgeing techniques.
As a child, my spiritual connection was very strong indeed, somewhat daunting as a child, but as I grew into adulthood, fear of the unknown diminished as the realisation that a special and magical gift was bestowed upon me came to the forefront, I was indeed a chosen one to connect with the divine. Upon embracing these spiritual and divine connections, I decided to embrace this amazing gift and allow myself to be open to receive these spiritual connections and energies. I am now ready to share this and give my energies and light to my spiritual workings and the items I work on and with, here lies the dawn of SeaWitchWisdom.